Distributors by state
Contact the distributors and wholesalers on this page to find out where you can purchase Wyldewood Cellars Wines where you live.
Direct Shipping Nationally:
We work with VinoShipper.com as an on-line retailer carrying our core products for direct shipment to consumers to more than 38 states.
KS residents, please use the “Buy Now” button to our Wines on-line page for on-line ordering and shipping. You may also purchase directly at the Winery or our Tasting Rooms.
We sell directly from the winery to residents, breweries, wineries, and restaurant/bar licensees throughout Kansas. Bars, restaurants, breweries, wineries, please contact us for direct wholesale licensee pricing. Toll Free: 1-800-711-9748
We also sell through Standard Beverage Corporation Toll Free: 1-800-999-8797
Wyldewood Cellars Wines are also carried by many Premium Fine Wine & Good Spirits stores throughout Arkansas. We can sell directly from the winery to liquor stores, breweries, wineries, and restaurant/bar licensees throughout Arkansas. Please contact Glenda Sue or AJ Morris, our Arkansas Reps, for direct wholesale licensee pricing. Cell phone: (479) 544-8169
Smart Distributors www.SmartDistributorsMidwest.com Call Direct: 314-262-9002
New York
Gene Cassese is our NY State representative. If you are wanting NY State distribution of our wines or concentrate you can contact Gene via email at Gene@wyldewoodcellars.com
LibDib.Com Distribution
We are shipping partners with LibDib.com, a wholesale wine and spirits distribution company, specializing in small production brands and craft alcohol products. They have opened up the markets of California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, and Wisconsin. We can ship all of our wines that we have in stock to each of these states. Join LibDib.com for pricing information.